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Asia Fire News

20240404 Police rescue 70-year-old woman on oxygen support from South Delhi flat fire


India Apr 04 2024 “Apartment houses”

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Police rescue 70-year-old woman on oxygen support from South Delhi flat fire

Updated: 2024-04-04

NEW DELHI: The Delhi Police successfully rescued a 70-year-old woman who was on oxygen support from a flat in south Delhi after a fire erupted due to an air conditioner spark, officials said on Thursday.
“The woman was trapped inside a room, she was struggling to breathe due to the fumes. While the fire was being doused, a team of police along with the son of the woman entered the room where she was trapped and safely shifted her from the engulfed room to another room,” he said.

The woman, dealing with lung disease and diabetes, was stuck in her Triloki Colony residence during the incident. Unable to move due to a fractured hip, she faced breathing difficulties from the fumes. 
The police, with the woman’s son, managed to move her to safety amidst the ongoing fire. The fire broke out at Koltla Mubarakpur Police Station at 7 pm, with prompt responses from fire tenders and an ambulance. 
A dog found unconscious at the scene was rescued through CPR and later taken to a nearby Veterinarian Hospital. Thanks to swift actions and coordination, no lives were lost in the incident.
“There was no loss of life due to swift action and better coordination among the fire department, police and public. The fire was extinguished, probably caused by sparking in AC

Web Source The Times of India


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