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Asia Fire News

20240509 Short circuit triggers fire at Hotel Orient Grand hall


India May 09 2024 “Building”

Dead : dead 0 or unknown Burnout : 1 to 29 Injured : injured 0 or unknown

Short circuit triggers fire at Hotel Orient Grand hall

Updated: 2024-05-09

Nagpur: The conference hall of Hotel Orient Grand at Ashok Chowk was completely damaged in a fire on Wednesday morning. NMC fire and emergency services department confirmed there were no injuries.

It is the 5th fire incident in Nagpur in a span of just three days, underlining the urgency for fire safety measures amidst rising temperature.

The fire alarm rang around 8.45 am, prompting a swift response from the fire department which dispatched a vehicle from the Cotton Market fire station to the location. On arrival at the hotel, firefighters encountered thick smoke, which hindered visibility. 

The blaze had consumed the conference hall, reducing air conditioners, chairs, sofas, and wiring to ashes.

Since it was morning time, the hotel wasn’t crowded, facilitating firefighters’ efforts to bring the situation under control within an hour. 

Preliminary assessment attributes the cause to a short circuit, estimating damages of around Rs 80,000.

Web Source The Times of India


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