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Asia Fire News

20240607 Watchman dead, over 40 girl students rescued from hostel after fire in Pune building


India Jun 07 2024 “Building”

Dead : dead 1 to 4 Burnout : 1 to 29 Injured : injured 0 or unknown

Watchman dead, over 40 girl students rescued from hostel after fire in Pune building

Updated: 2024-06-07

PUNE: A fire broke out in the early hours of Friday in a five-storey building located in Shanipar area of Pune city, Maharashtra. The incident, which occurred around 1.30 am, resulted in the tragic death of a watchman and the rescue of more than 40 girl students residing in the hostel on the second floor.
According to Devendra Potphode, the chief fire officer of Pune Municipal Corporation, “The fire brigade received a call about the fire in a five-storey building. After our team reached the spot, it was found that the blaze had erupted at an accounting academy on the ground floor.” 

Thanks to the swift action of people in the area, the 42 girl students were safely evacuated before the fire brigade team arrived at the scene.
However, as the fire was being extinguished on the ground floor, a man in his early 40s was discovered dead, apparently due to burn injuries. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Zone-1) Sandip Singh Gill confirmed that “after he was found there, he was referred to the Sassoon General Hospital, but was declared dead by doctors.” 
The deceased man was identified as a watchman who was inside a room on the ground floor at the time of the incident.
The cause of the fire remains unknown, and officials are currently investigating the matter to determine the origin of the blaze. The incident has left the community in shock, and efforts are being made to support the affected students and the family of the deceased watchman.

Web Source The Times of India


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