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Asia Fire News

20240623 Gazipur warehouse fire tamed after one and a half hours


Bangladesh Jun 23 2024 “Warehouses”

Dead : dead 0 or unknown Burnout : 1 to 29 Injured : injured 0 or unknown

Gazipur warehouse fire tamed after one and a half hours

Updated: 2024-06-23

A fire that broke out at a cloth scrap factory at Konabari’s Ambagh in Gazipur is now under control.

The fire broke out at 2:30am on Sunday and six units of firefighters from three Fire Service Stations brought it under control around 4am, after an hour and a half of effort, said Abdullah Al Arefin, deputy-assistant director of the Gazipur Fire Service and Civil Defence.

However, no injuries or deaths were reported in the incident.

The fire started in a cloth scrap factory in Ambagh and quickly went out of control, said Station Officer Md Saiful Islam of Konabari Modern Fire Station. The fire then spread to the house of Enamul Madar and smaller cloth scrap factories owned by Shah Alam Sarkar.

When informed, firefighters from two units went to the scene and began to douse the fire. However, the fire intensified and firefighters from two units at the Sarabo Modern Fire Station and two units at the Gazipur Intersection Modern Fire Station joined them to tame the flames, he said.

“The flames came under control around 4am but they had already burned a mini cloth scrap factory, a house and four cloth scrap warehouses by the time,” said Senior Station Officer Md Ruhul Amin Molla of the Gazipur Intersection Modern Fire Station.

The Fire Service has yet to provide information about the origin of the fire and details of the damages.

Web Source Bdnews24


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