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Asia Fire News

20200822 AGO complex prisoners, vital records ‘safe’ following fire


Indonesia Aug 22 2020 “Building” “Office bldg.”

Dead : dead 0 or unknown Burnout : 1 to 29 Injured : injured 0 or unknown

AGO complex prisoners, vital records ‘safe’ following fire 


Updated: 20200823 


Firefighters put out a blaze at the Attorney General’s Office in Jakarta on Saturday. (AFP/Adek Berry) 



Prisoners being detained at the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) complex on Jl. Sultan Hasanudin Dalam in South Jakarta are safe following a massive fire that razed most of the main building on Saturday evening, according to Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin. 


Vital case records were also out of harm’s way as they had not been stored in the main office, he said. 


Only the HR [human resources] office was there. Prisoners were held in the back, so they are all safe; prisoners and case records are safe,” Sanitiar said on Saturday night as quoted by kompas.com. 


He went on to say that the prisoners had yet to be moved, but they will be relocated if the smoke reached the prison cells. 


It was previously reported that a fire had broken out on the sixth floor of the main AGO building. By 10 p.m. on Saturday, it had spread to the third floor. 


AGO spokesperson Hari Setiyono said the office of the assistant attorney general for intelligence and the human resources department had suffered most of the damage from the blaze. 


He said the fire had not destroyed important data or documents. 


“We have a backup for data and documents on employees.” (rfa) 


Web Source: TheJakartaPost 



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